March 19, 2011

March 2011
The Strokes.
The Strokes Under The Cover of Darkness
Possibly one of the more anticipated releases of recent times - the new album from indie rock guru's The Strokes was set upon a frothing public recently . . . so, how is it? Given they had a few years to attract some cobwebs we could expect the worst. On the flip-side we could have unimaginably high expectations and be disappointed regardless. Whatever your prediction, the new album does exactly what the strokes have been doing for the past three albums; producing the catchiest, most enjoyable indie songs you could wrap your lips around. Sure the album is nothing adventurous but it doesn't need to. If these fine young lads were to make many more albums like "Angles", then we would be happy tunemonkies. The song we chose to sample is called 'Machu Picchu', possibly one of their best . . .

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